Tuesday 26 February 2013

What are the Functions of economic system?

 Mainly, there are four functions of economic systems; Production, Allocation, Distribution and Regeneration.Every economic system provides solutions to four questions: what goods and services will be produced; how they will be produced; for whom they will be produced; and how they will be allocated between consumption (for present use) and investment (for future use). In a decentralized (usually private enterprise) economic system, these questions are resolved, and economic coordination is achieved, through the price mechanism.
                                                                                                                                                   FUNCTIONS OF AN ECONOMIC SYSTEM
 Economic System everywhere may perform similar functions. These functions may be traditional or non-traditional. The traditional functions include the following:
a. What to produce
b. How to produce i.e. what method of factor combination to adopt in order to maximize the use of the resources
c. For whom to produce
d. How to distribute the goods and services produced.
Economists have realized the importance of economic growth and the attainment of full employment, if the system must achieve the best use of its scarce resources. Attainments of full employment and high economic growth have become the non-traditional functions.